Gynecomastia after weight loss
account for 15-20% of the total number of patients who undergo
stomach surgery to lose weight and theoretically this number is
increasing. The number of gynecomastia cases increased by 22% from
2005 to 2006. The most common deformity in these men is the
excessively loose chest skin after weight loss.
Glandular gynecomastia occurs in older men while
pseudo-gynecomastia is characterized by an increase of the
subcutaneous fat in the breast without necessarily an enlargement
of the gland. The diagnosis, done with palpation, differentiates
the glandular differentiates the glandular gynecomastia which
appears as a circular area beneath the areola from the latter in
which a diffuse fat deposition appears.
There are several methods for the treatment of gynecomastia after
weight loss depending on its classification.
Classification and therapeutic algorithm of pseudo-gynaikomastias after weight loss.
Class | Description | Treatment |
Ι | slightly loose skin without influencing the areola | liposuction or Webster type removal |
Ia Ιb |
without side skin with side skin |
liposuction or Webster type removal |
II | the areola is below the submammary line,
side skin mildly loose skin in the upper abdomen |
inner skin removal and Webster type resection. Stitching in the outline of the areola. |
ΙΙΙ | the areola is well below the submammary line and there is side skin relaxation | skin removal and replacement of the areola as a free graft |
Class Ia without loose skin
Class Ib with loose skin
Class II with the areola below the submammary fold
Class III with significant skin relaxation