Gynecomastia - male breast reduction
is a popular procedure that creates a sense of confidence in men
with large breasts.
The surgery is done to reduce large male breasts, a condition known
as gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia caused by fat deposition in
overweight subjects. Gynecomastia affects all ages.
According to a study by the Mayo Clinic, gynecomastia is a result
of hormones imbalance; the body produces more of the female hormone
estrogen and less of the male hormone testosterone. Other causes
responsible for the condition are hormone disorders, doping etc.
According to the National Library of Medicine the cause remains
uncertain for about 25% of the cases.
Depending on the cause, gynecomastia often regresses on its own
once the medical condition that causes it, if any, is treated
appropriately, eg stopping drugs. In other cases, surgical
treatment is recommended.
surgical treatment of gynecomastia reduces large breasts and hence
gives back lost confidence. According to Felmont Eaves III, MD,
president of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the
surgical treatment of gynecomastia is more frequent than people may
think. Patients who may benefit from the surgery are those who have
either glandular gynecomastia or fat deposition -
Although it is not considered a serious medical illness, the distress it causes to young boys and men is very intense. Men with a gynecomastia problem sometimes change the way they wear their clothes (they do not wear tight shirts or T-shirts), avoid going to the sea to steer clear of annoying stares and perhaps teasing.
It is very important to understand that men with big breasts have a really serious problem.
Watch a video of a young man, approved by the American Society of Plastic Surgery.
Adolescents with moderate gynecomastia should wait a couple of
years as breast development regresses or disappears after puberty.
Gynecomastia is the fourth most common plastic surgery in men. About 17,000 surgical procedures to treat gynecomastia took place in 2009. This number shows an increase of 50% since 1997. 58% of the patients were men from 19 to 34 years of age.